Enhancement of Community-Oriented Policing and Community Outreach Programs

By Chief Shane Taylor


The Riverton Police Department reflects on what is vital to residents and business owners in this community: quality of life and providing top-notch law enforcement services for Riverton.

Community-oriented policing (COP) has proven to be an excellent program for developing a bond between the residents and business owners we serve.

COP districts allow us to communicate directly with residents and be informed of events that must be addressed in the community. Five COP districts with law enforcement personnel receive direct emails and information from citizens to serve in non-traditional ways.

The attached map and emails below show each COP district and are informative for direct contact for non-emergency events. This will allow elected officials and citizens to communicate directly with police officers.

COP Districts

To enhance the COP program, we feel that having a dedicated officer passionate about community-oriented policing and outreach programs will better serve the Riverton community. We want to introduce Officer Mike Ashley. His dedication, career goals, and accomplishments have proven to be the best choice for the Riverton community.    

The one-on-one interaction with multiple outreach programs has proven to be a high benchmark for positive citizen contacts, including a basic understanding of law enforcement with a citizen academy. The block parties have created a strong bond, so residents have an informal, direct way to communicate with police officers.

Mike AshleyThe Riverton Police Department would encourage business owners and residents to use these resources by interacting with Officer Mike Ashley (mashley@rivertonpd.org) and directly communicating with the COP District law enforcement personnel.

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