Mayor's Message: The 2024 Citizens Survey Needs You!

thumb-january2024-mayors-messageBy Mayor Trent Staggs

Riverton’s growth and success is driven by our highly engaged and active citizens. It is your vision and voice that guides our city government in making strategic decisions for our community. We want to hear from you!

Every two years, Riverton City elected officials and staff review a comprehensive strategic plan for the city. These plans are directed and shaped by your answers and ideas. I encourage you to spend a few minutes answering questions in our 2024 Citizens Survey.

(Fill out the Citizens Survey by going to

Our city organizational structure places citizens at the top, where it should be. All city staff and elected officials ultimately answer to the taxpayer. In Riverton, we seek to be a government of, by, and for the people.

America’s commitment to self-governance starts and ends with citizens partnering with their neighbors. Together, we can craft a future that benefits everyone. Riverton’s surveys are a simple but powerful way to make your voices heard in City Hall.

In previous years, survey participants demonstrated a preference for more local shopping and dine-in options in the city. This data helped shape our plans to welcome Mountain View Village to our community. Its success serves our city well and is positioned to help our community for generations to come.

Past survey results have also indicated a desire to develop a strong sense of community, especially as our part of the valley continues to grow. City staff have worked tirelessly to expand our Town Days celebrations, invest in more recreational activities, preserve our historic sites, and much more.

The year ahead of us is full of promise and opportunity. Your participation in the survey will help Riverton continue to flourish.

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