Council Message: What you need to know about Secondary Water Meters

By Councilmember Claude Wells

thumb-council-message-august2023Water is a precious commodity in our arid desert mountain home, so Riverton is installing secondary (irrigation) water meters to help residents keep track of their water use.

The state has mandated each city install the secondary water meters to inform each resident of their usage each month. More knowledge about our own water usage will help us conserve our natural resources.

Installing secondary water meters is not intended to raise rates by the city. The goal is to save between 25-30% of our water supply statewide simply by informing residents of their water usage.

How to identify and use the Secondary Water meters on your property:
City subcontractors are busy completing the new secondary meter installations. Roughly 45% of the installations are now complete. The goal is to complete all the installations by the end of 2024.

When installations are completed the tube where the city’s secondary water stop valve was located will be replaced by a secondary meter maintained by the city. Users of the secondary water have always been able to turn on their secondary water from their irrigation box (similar green lid as your sprinkler valves) with the ball valve handle. The T wrench (stop & waste) valve in the park strip was never intended to be turned on by the homeowner, but rather just by the Riverton Water Department.

Riverton Resident Responsibility for Secondary Water

It’s recommended that citizens turn the completed secondary water meter on and off at certain seasons of the year. It will be a green irrigation box on your property. Homeowners should turn the ball valve open in the Fall to let water out, so the lines don’t freeze. Resident should then close it in the Spring to allow water from the canals to enter the pipes.

The new meters have RF technology with an antenna that communicates to AMI towers on city owned buildings. This allows city employees to read meters remotely rather than having to manually view the usage at each meter. This is similar to how culinary water meters usage is collected by the city.

If you have any questions, please call the Riverton City Water Department at 801-208-3162.

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