Council Message: Economically Strong and Growing

thumb-council-message-july2023By Councilmember Tish Buroker

The first half of the year is always a busy time for the City Council as we plan, prepare and finally pass the city fiscal budget in the month of June. It is one of the key functions for the Council and directs the activities of the city for an entire year. To arrive at a final budget the Council reviews the mayor’s recommendations, the City Manager’s recommendations and determines the final budget. Riverton is in the enviable position of having enough revenue to pay for the basic needs of the city, save for a rainy day, pay down debt, and still have money to improve and work on betterment projects.

Here are a few of these projects:

  • Riverton City received a matching grant from Salt Lake County of 1.2 million dollars to fund improvements to the Sandra Lloyd auditorium. Riverton City will contribute 1.5 million. Currently improvements are being made to the first floor, including creating an improved space for the historical displays, and creating improved space for rentals and employee meetings. Work is beginning this summer on the exterior creating an outdoor amphitheatre, plaza and restrooms.
  • The police department requested and received approval for two motorcycles. Chief Barfuss commented that the police department was spending 90 percent of their time dealing with traffic accidents as the result of speed on Riverton roads. Motorcycles will increase surveillance and ticketing. Riverton is especially challenged because many cars drive through Riverton on their way to Herriman, Bluffdale, South Jordan and Draper. In addition, Riverton roads tend to be wide and straight which also encourages speed. Please be aware of speed limits and help contribute to the safety of Riverton.
  • $80,000 has been budgeted for sidewalk repair, and an additional $550 to continue the project of adding sidewalks in deficient areas.
  • Over $200,000 to continue to improve trails.
  • Over 2 million to replace 50-yearold water pipes along 1830 West and along 118th South from 2700 W to 3600 W.
  • Concerns regarding weeds, abandoned houses etc. have prompted the Council to provide direction and funding as needed to clean up derelict properties.
  • Over a half million dollars has been budgeted to continue to fund improvements to the secondary water system.

Riverton has become economically stronger due to conservative financial practices, and the robust sales tax growth we have experienced mainly due to Mountain View Village.

We know that as costs continue to rise it is vital that we continue to maintain and care for our city infrastructure and amenities just as you maintain your home. Continue to shop locally, take pride in where you live, and enjoy all that Riverton has to offer.

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